Friends of the Missouri National Recreational River

Yankton, South Dakota

Secure, Responsive & Informative is what the Friends of the Missouri National Recreational River Organization needed!

Friends of the Missouri National Recreational River (FOMNRR), reached out to Heartland Internet Solutions to bring their site up to date in a responsive format with security for taking donations and membership payments.

We added a friendly Event and News area for them to log in and create their own articles to keep all members and the public up to date.  This allows them to not have to wait for someone to do the updating for them!

We worked directly with the Board and have enjoyed completing this project!  Thank you FOMNRR for choosing Heartland!

Products used:  Website Package, Email & Additional Domain Name
Client since:  2022

Friends of the Missouri National Recreational River

A beautiful slider to represent the river…


Who they are right away…


Quick and easy Donate button…